Nest & Launch turns one! A favorite things giveaway . . .
/Nest & Launch is officially one year old! She's not quite a toddler, but she's fiercely working her way towards climbing some big obstacles . . . like the coffee table and perhaps even that really high bookshelf that sits in the corner of the living room. Last week when we met in Austin for our first ever face-to-face Nest & Launch meeting, Annie and I felt the need to celebrate our one year milestone -- and by celebrate I mean go shopping. In a tireless effort to honor our faithful readers, Annie and I racked our brains for twelve of our favorite things -- one for each month of Nest & Launch posts. Once in the stores, we found that we have lots of favorite things -- some we'd never even seen before. But we restrained ourselves and compiled a collection of objects and words that bring us a sense of satisfaction and happiness. And we are giving them to you!! Well, technically just one of you. But symbolically? ALL OF YOU!
1. Moleskine notebook (with lines). Because we (mostly) love to write and Moleskine's the way to go. And you've got to have lines. Well, I do anyway.
2. Cute latte bowls from Anthropologie. Annie and I both have these. I have lots of different colors, and I amuse myself when unloading the dishwasher by stacking them in different color combinations. This is a list of my favorite things AND weird obsessions. Bonus!
3. A collection of Billy Collin's poetry. If you've been here all year, you've noticed we have kind of a thing for Billy. Please, if you win this, turn to The Lanyard and read it to yourself. It's Annie's favorite. And we dedicate it to you.
4. Theo dark chocolate with salted almonds. Because sweet + salty + nutty prompts a happy dance from the both of us.
5. Smith's Rosebud Salve. Annie swears by this one. It satisfies on multiple levels: the tin design is classic and cool, the stuff really works, and it smells like roses. All that goodness in one little tin.
6. Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride. It's difficult to choose a favorite novel. So I went at it this way: Margaret Atwood is my favorite contemporary writer. And my favorite Atwood novel is The Robber Bride. It's good. I promise.
7. The Family Flavor. Both Annie and I cook from this one. Lots of family favorites for sure.
8. Meyer's Clean Day dish soap. This really makes my kitchen sink more happy. You know you are an old lady when are obsessed with dish soap. So Yay! Yay?
9. Awesome wood camera tape dispenser. Both photography and washi tape are our favorites, so we couldn't resist the combo.
10. Weekly list pad from Rifle Paper Co. We both love lists and nice paper, so this was a natural choice.
11. Anthro candle that smells like Anthro. (It's the Capri Blue Volcano.) I used to hoard this candle -- only lighting it occasionally. Then one day I decided to live free and light up that candle whenever and wherever. It was liberating.
12. The Union Jack frame. We'll happily admit it. We are anglophiles.
Here's how to enter: Comment here and tell us either your favorite N&L post OR one of your favorite things. We'll leave the comments open until Thursday at 8:00 pm [comments now closed], and we'll post the winner on Friday.
Mostly we just wanted a good excuse to pause and say THANK YOU for showing up here and being part of our first year. (Cue the confetti!) So nice to know that we're all in this crazy, wonderful, nesty and launchy phase together.