Getting stringy

I know over the last few days we've talked about raising good teenagers and touched ever so slightly on the DATING scene. But now I've got something really important to talk to you about: MACRAME. It's a thing! A trend! Everyone is doing it!

I've heard that if you are old enough to remember a trend the first go round, then you are too old to engage when the fashion gods bring it round a second time (like, with parachute pants, for example). I'm happy to say that my only experience with macrame has been in dusty bins at garage sales and thrift stores. I'm completely new and fresh to macrame. Also? Who made up that stupid trend rule in the first place?

Hold on a sec while I put on my parachute pants.

At first glance I was unsure about my place in the macrame world. But the more I see it, the more I like it!

Of course, Mandi of VintageRevivals is already heavy into macrame. See her Orchid Dyed Planter here. She also did a macrame headboard. Her website says that a tutorial is in the works. 

Ashley Ann of Under the Sycamore is also macrame-ing (can macrame be a verb?). She's gathered a list of tutorials here.

This tutorial from Green Wedding Shoes seems like it might be a good place to start.

Maybe this isn't technically macrame, since it doesn't involve knots, but I really like the color and texture of this yarn art.

Shall this be the Summer of Macrame? I do like the sound of that.