A few good gems

The weekend! The weekend! Unlike last weekend (when I was CAMPING), I'll be sleeping in my own comfy bed and feeling grateful for my own bathroom. And . . . I'll be picking up my college kiddo from the airport on Saturday! Also, I'm hoping to get to the farmer's market Saturday morning for some super fresh veggies (and maybe a bouquet of flowers). All good things on the near horizon. I'm still planning my downstairs "freshening," wherein I plan to vanquish the greenish-tannish walls. I like the cheerful living room pictured below. Except maybe not the  yellow couch. I'm not sure I'm that gutsy. Or that cheerful. I'll give it some thought while you peruse the gems!

Image via Glamour.

Image via Glamour.

  • Read this career/life advice by Mike Rowe. I feel like someone should publish this on the front page of the New York Times. Yes. Yes. Yes!
  • Have you heard about Christian the lion? I swear I've watched this video like ten times. If you're are really interested there's a full length documentary and even an entire website dedicated to this lion and his amazing human friends.
  • Watch this science lesson (taught to a five year old) and see if you can follow along. P.S. This guy kind of makes me feel like a crappy parent because I don't give science lessons in my car.
  • Humans of New York is my very favorite Facebook feed. Check out how one of Brandon Stanton's pics brought attention to a troubled school in this NYT article.
  • Made these Paleo Zucchini Noodles with Avocado Cream Sauce for dinner this week. I made my noodles on the frighteningly dangerous mandolin. My friend Andrea sent me a link to this spiral slicer, which I may purchase based on my undying love for non-mutilated fingers.
  • Have you seen Time's list of the 100 most influential people? There's a record 41 women on the list. But one of them is Miley Cyrus. Really? REALLY??
  • Reflections on failure by seven contemporary writers. Margaret Atwood is my fave!
  • Do you read Dig This Chick? It's one of my favorite blogs. Also? She makes me want to move to Missoula. Like really move. Need job in Missoula.
  • I'm thinking of mixing up a batch of this body scrub -- especially because SOME people in my house like to use the Jergens self-tanning lotion. That's the kind of mom I am. I support bottled tanning!

Listening to Ingrid Michaelson's new album Lights Out, Ian Britt's "The Shape of Us," and "The Gambler" by Fun.

Reading Maya Van Wagenen's Popular. (And Anthony Giddens' Modernity and Self-Identity -- if you want some nerdy reading.)

Eating Red Pepper and Zucchini Enchiladas from The Family Flavor.