Make this now: big art.

What do you think about the fox? Too much?

What do you think about the fox? Too much?

I've come to be quite skeptical of Pinterest projects. I have a multi-step process by which I screen potential endeavors that goes something like this:

1. Is completing this project going to take longer than two hours? (Because I'm lazy.)
2. Will procuring the supplies make me tired? 
3. Will I want to keep the finished project longer than two weeks?

Surprisingly, those three questions rule out the majority of the Pinterest kingdom. Regardless, I keep pinning away because sometimes I just like to pull up my boards and look at pretty things.

Today, however, I'm going to tell you of a complete Pinterest success. Many moons ago I pinned this link for "DIY CANVAS PRINTS: HUGE IMPACT, LOW COST." That pin just sat patiently, waiting for the moment when I would need some large, inexpensive art for Jordan's room. In case you haven't heard (and who are we kidding? I've told EVERYONE), Jordan is coming home from her mission and thus requires large, impactful and inexpensive art. 

Guys, this tutorial is spot on. I nicely asked Sterling to accompany me to the Home Depot since, on my own, I can't find ANYTHING in that store. There, we quickly located the spray adhesive and 3/4" foam insulation board (the board is gigantic so bring a big vehicle or have the Home Depot folks cut it down for you). I'd already sent a photo to Staples, which was printed as an engineering print (size 48" x 36"). 

At home I cut the foam to size with a straight edge and a box cutter, sprayed on the adhesive and then slapped on the print. It took about 30 minutes and really does look like a canvas (make sure you wrap the edges). I'm super happy with it, and I have enough foam board left to make two more -- so I'm greedily sizing up any blank wall space.

As for the picture (the trees arching over a country road), I simply browsed one of my favorite free image sites, Unsplash. I downloaded the photo and then uploaded it to Staples. Downloading and uploading are two of my favorite things. They are undemanding tasks. Plus, you can do them in your pajamas.

So. Yeah. Big art. Item 128 checked off my list. Two bajillion things left to do!