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A few good gems

We made it to Friday! What a relief. It's been a blessedly quiet week around here, and I'm hoping for a low-key weekend -- one where I don't eat my body weight in sugar. A girl can hope. I've drummed up a few good gems for your weekend perusal. Isn't that quote (pictured above) just about perfect? Plus, I'm nostalgic (see article below) for 1989. Great year. Happy weekending to all.

"Winter Olympics Inspire Nation's Youth to Try Sports Their Parents Can't Afford" --  So, true.

There's been a lot of hype surrounding Jimmy Fallon's new role on The Tonight Show. I'm rarely up late enough to watch his old show OR his new show (I know, party animal), but my girls made me watch all of his "Ew" episodes. I find these completely hilarious. Jimmy Fallon as a teenage girl? It's fun. Here's the best one.

With all of the retro fads circling these days, I've been thinking a lot about nostalgia. (I've also been nostalgic what with my children leaving me and all.) The Atlantic has a great article on the Internet and nostalgia . . . and just how nostalgia sells us STUFF. There has been a particular influx of 90s memoriabilia, "appropriated to arouse a vague sense that we have lost something as we’ve moved, inexorably, into our future." Yes! Like The Cosby Show, and parachute pants, and life before cell phones. All lost.

Last week Design Mom posted about cobra weave stick bombs. I was so intrigued I went right out and bought a box of tongue depressors. Guys, this is good stuff (particularly if you are a nerd!).

I've been really trying to eat healthy. I've got this and this currently open on my desktop. Are these healthy? Or no? What if I eat 248 cookie dough bites? Because that could happen. (Note: These also look interesting.)