Nest & Launch

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A few good gems

A few things that caught our eye this week:​

I love this free printable from SarahJane​. I'm printing one out and hanging it right above my desk.

Any Mad Men fans out there? I'll admit I watch the show primarily for the mid century furniture and the clothes. The styling is crazy good. How about Orange has links to Mad Men paper dolls!

Did you see this article in The Guardian about Anne Frank's step sister? Fascinating read.​

I've had a long time hankering to try my hand at macaron making. With Jordan's French farewell looming, I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and whip up some meringue. I have about 17 different macaron tabs open on my computer right now. This one seems helpful. And this one gives exact times for whipping.​ 

People are always asking me for book recommendations. But since I spend most of my reading time with academic stuff, I'm typically at a loss to offer up a good, entertaining read. However, I recently read Shelter by Frances Greenslade and was captivated by the prose and the storyline. It also helped that it was about sisters growing up in the 1970s -- that special decade when I acquired my Snoopy watch. And the mom? She'll break your heart.​

Amen to this.​

That's all for now. Happy weekending!​