Nest & Launch

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A few good gems

First of all, a big THANK YOU for the warm welcome we've received over the past couple of weeks with this here new blog. We've been so buoyed by the reception we've received and the feedback here in this wonderful world of the web. No, seriously, thank you. You make a couple of gals want to sing a rousing rendition of "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You" but instead--here, these lanterns are for you:

Thomas Cooper Gotch, The Lantern Parade, via

Also? ​Here are few things that caught our eye this week that we thought we'd pass along:

An interesting study interviewing 18- to 25-year-olds revealed five key factors that make girls & women less likely to want to run for office someday.

Cool Mom Picks ran an article about self-respect underwear that totally fooled me! 

Did you see the NY Times Haiku generator? It creates haikus from the day's news stories and interviews, like this one:

These adaptations of the classic hotel key tags would be a fun gift for a new driver--or just for a family set of house keys (via Swiss Miss).

Why your children should do chores (as if we needed convincing!). This Boston Globe magazine article takes a cue from history on the capabilities of children to do work. 

​Are there any fans of the podcast/radio show Radiolab in your house? (It's a staple around here.) Then you'll love this interactive Radiolab sound effects gallery

And have you gotten into The Lizzie Bennet Diaries? If you have a pre-teen or teenage girl, chances are you've heard of it. It's a modern, online adaptation of Pride and Prejudice via videos, twitter, and tumblr. (They posted their final, 100th episode last week so it's ripe for enjoying all the way through.)

​Happy weekend!